When I was about 17, two friends of mine and I were walking down Scarborough Beach Road at around 8pm on our way to Timezone, Innalloo. As we walked and talked, I noticed someone else a fair distance away walking towards us. As my mates were waffling on, I focused my attention on this figure which was beginning to look stranger as it got closer. My mates were oblivious to my sudden fascination with this increasingly peculiar looking person and at one point I remarked that it resembled something from Planet of the Apes. The closer it walked the clearer this figure became, and I could tell there was something else about its shape that didn't look normal. The boys were still chatting away, but I'm fixated on this thing as it walks nearer and nearer. It’s now within focus distance and I notice its long swift strides and it's clearly abnormal.
It eventually reaches us. Good God what in the world is it? I truly cannot believe my eyes. This thing stood at least 7 foot tall with its towering very slim physique. Its unusually long arms were attached to dark thick-skinned long fingered hands with claw like nails. It wore a kind of skinny black suit with a long classic Dracula type collar and some sort of a white garment underneath.
Its long dark thick mass of hair was much like a mane. Its hideous face was also dark, thick skinned and partially hairy but shockingly of all it had a short snout. As it soared over me the creature looked directly into my eyes and made a strange hissing sound.
Completely mortified we instantly bolted down the street without looking back until we reached a safe distance. We assured each other we'd all seen the same thing but couldn't explain what it was.
For some reason I felt it was female and I called it
The Wolf Lady.
Later, something strange occurred on our way home. I was still shaken and amazed about our earlier encounter with an unknown entity and try to explain it. As I was recalling our strange event with my friends, they seemed to have forgotten the incident completely and continued chatting about unrelated things. I thought this was very odd behaviour considering we just experienced a very unforgettable moment together.
The next day I visited my girlfriend Tracy who lived across from Lake Monger in Wembley. We would often stroll around the lake, and I was telling her about my experience the night before. As expected, she found the story quite unbelievable and gave it no interest.
We eventually came to a populated area where a bus stopped to off load some tourists. I was still trying to convince her that this was all true when she suddenly stopped and crouched down to get something out of her bag. At that exact moment I looked up and to my utter shock and amazement the Wolf Lady appeared. She walks by me a short distance away and looks straight at me again. I couldn’t believe it. "There she is!" I said, and as Tracy gets up and looks around, the Wolf Lady disappears. She dismissed it and so did my mates. There was no way anyone will believe me.
Many years later I find myself in the company of a woman who provides counselling for people who experience unexplainable phenomena, so I explained what I saw. She listens to my story and then produces a black file, hands it to me and says I may find this interesting. The file contained drawings by her clients of beings they've encountered. A few pages in and I'm astonished to discover a drawing of a similar creature I encountered. I confirm that I familiarise with this drawing, and she tells me it wasn't a wolf person that I saw. It was a lion being who serves as my protector.
I have never seen that being again but its rather cool to know that someone from another world is looking out for me. And coincidentally I'm also a Leo.
Our world is a much weirder and more wonderful place than we are led to believe.