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No Shit Love

Yesterday, I was walking around the lake at Burswood Reserve where I do my daily stretching exercises on one of the public gyms, when I saw a large man in shorts and singlet entering the water. He didn't notice me so I kept watching him to see what happens. He held a long strap which he used to grapple something floating on the water. He struggled through the reeds dragging to shore a soaking backpack. I asked if he was ok and it turned out he was homeless and some scumbag made life harder by throwing his bag in the water. "I'm so sorry that happened to you mate." "yeah oh well that's homeless life mate" he replied. My heart sank deeply.

He told me he also has to retrieve his mate's bag as well which is further out. He showed me a floating vessel he made from a discarded plastic drum and even a jetty by laying a sign over the reeds. Despite this, he remained chirpy and accepted the situation.

I walked over to the pagoda where his mate was laying on the boards. His bag had sunk to the bottom with everything he owns.

Turns out they were at the Casino the night before and found their bags in the drink later on. He admitted they were kicked out for drunk and disorderly behaviour. "You can't afford to drop your guard mate." He took my point and thanked me for the $10.

I wished them luck and walked away with a really heavy heart.

I noticed a young lady walking down the path talking on her phone. As she makes her way past me hanging from the bar, I read, "Don't be so hard on yourself, you're doing the best you can!" on the back of her hoody. That made me feel a lot better. I finished my routine and walked down the path. As she walked towards me gas bagging, I read "Be Kind" on the front of her hoody. No shit love!


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