Imagine if we couldn't depend on each other driving vehicles safely on the streets. Well, havoc would ensue as it did before the invention of tarmac, rules, indicators, traffic lights, crosswalks, speed limits.
Despite risking our daily lives on the road, the majority of us manage to survive by being dependable drivers. Penalties or tragedies strike if drivers are reckless, unfocused or unfit to be behind the wheel.
Laws enforce our compliance to drive correctly or we face consequences for endangering your lives.
But just as the act of driving cars has evolved, the same logic applies to how we live. We interact, communicate, socialise, collaborate and conduct business by abiding by life's codes of conduct.
For the majority, this all goes without saying, but when we're affected by those who ignore these principles, we're forced to defend them and ourselves from potential harm, unfairness or injustice.​
Has society progressed? In 2024, homelessness, substance abuse, political corruption, pollution and conflict continue to obstruct our pursuit for a compassionate, ethical, safe and prosperous existence.